A Highland Hideaway with Spirit!
Food, drink and accommodation in an historic and allegedly haunted 16th Century Hunting Lodge and Coaching Inn on Scotland’s stunningly beautiful and romantic Isle of Skye.

The Hotel Bar has an old fashioned quality. It is here that you can rub shoulders with a few of the locals or enjoy a light lunch. Perhaps have a night cap of a wee dram or two.

And then, of course, there are the other sort of spirits … … the Lodges’ ethereal visions. Ghostly presences have been seen and felt for many years.
It is not really surprising that a building with such a strong pervading sense of history should also be home to a few harmless hauntings. All of the ghostly activities are centred on the ground floor of the Lodge.
A gentleman in black is often spotted at the entrance whilst a black-garbed, elderly grandmother can sometimes be glimpsed knitting by the fire. With her is usually a spaniel.
A really active spot is the passage behind the bar where an elderly lady in night clothing appears. These “extra” guests never bother the ” real” guests, so the owners are more than happy to give them house room.

The Bar is generally open throughout the year from 12:00 noon until 1:00 am. Please note that the exact times may vary according to season and the bar may close earlier over the quieter period.